Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Go Girl, Its Your Birthday

Comments: Simple ckp, mmg aku stuck dkt climax dia. Then kat ending tu dah cergas balik otak aku. Haih. Aku rasa takde motif cite ni doh sbb apa susah sgt nak buat jalan cite semua. Payah kau tau. Asal tak terus je cakap yg Leonardo ni mental. Kan habis cite. Buat habis rm14 aku je -_- Rates: ♥♥♥♥♥ 

Comments: SUMPAH CAKAP TERBAIK GILA LAH SIAL! Mmg aku tabik ah dekat make-up artist tu sampai boleh buat urat-urat semua timbul. Mmg UMPH/PERGH/WALLAH semua ada lah! P/S: Korang patut tgk time org gila yg dlm poster ni beraksi. After aku dah tgk aksi mamat ni, jantung aku ni kene ganti dgn jantung besi kau tau. Scary -_- Rates: ♥♥♥♥♥

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mi Familia ♥

Nama: Tuan Haji Yahya Abu Bakar dan Puan Hajjah Zuriana
Tahun: Ntah lerr
Lokasi: Ntah lerr
Motif: Ntah lerr. Time ni aku mana ada lagi. Heh.

Nama: Aiman Maisarah Bt Yahya
Tahun: Darjah 5 kot.
Lokasi: Di rumah Ninie.
Photographer: Ninie si babi -_-
Motif: Takde lgsg sbb budak dajal tu tgkp secara mengejut. Babi. But yg aku tahu sumpah gemuk gila sial :O

Nama: Nurul Hanis Bt Yahya
Tahun: Ntah, tak amek port.
Lokasi: Ntah, tak amek port.
Motif: Ntah, nak cari publisiti kot.

P/S: Korang tunggu jelah aku cari pic kakak aku yg buruk. Hahaha! >:-D

Back Forth, Hold It Papi!

Ok. Sumpah aku bengang gila dgn Fatin.
Dia tarik-tarik bag aku sampai putus tali.
Baru dtg sekolah dah buat taik dgn aku.
Cilake punya perangai -_-

And babi aku rindu gila Faliq.
Keluar smlm aku rasa mcm..
"Dalam hati ada taman derr!"

:-) :-* :-)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hungry :-(

Ok. Aku rindu kawan-kawan aku.
And esok KPJ aku taktau nak buat cane.
K gtg, tuition. Ciao.

P/S Hmm skrng ni aku makin lapar doh.
Mmg naik lerr nombor tak bertuah dkt timbang lepas ni.
Haih T.T

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hate Is A Strong Word But I Already Used It

"All I know is, you are still a mother-fucking-fuck-face-who-likes-to-ruin-my-goddamn-life. And I didn't missed you one bit till your stupid bloody hell number showed up."

This is so true.
I wrote this once.. abt this one puki.
And rght now, Im writing abt the same puki jgk.
And yes, Im starting to believe that you really ARE
a mother fucking fuck face who likes to ruin my goddamn life!
Bcs you just did abt couple of hours ago kot! BABI!

Dont Tell, Im Not Gonna Listen

Urgh. Ada mamat ni kata ada org-org ckp pasal aku.
Thnks sbb inform but Im not that interested to knw tho -_-

And mamat tu angin dgn aku like.. GEESH!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Just Can't Help But To Cry

Quick update:

It's ok Aiman to cry and regret sekarang.
Atleast you have done your best kan?
And Allah is trying to test you, so be strong
And always know that everybody will be there for you
Especially ur parents :-)
And remember to mintak dekat Allah.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Its Complicated

Comments: Sumpah cite ni lawak gila. Mmg dlm movie tu semua bising-bising gelak. Mmg best ah but before that, terserempak pulak dgn Ninie, Amir, Effy dgn gang diorang. And Effy ckp cite ni bosan GILA! *sambil buat muka* But in the end, MMG MELETOPS LAH NYAH! Boo you Effy. Haha >:D Rates: ♥♥♥♥♥

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Iman's Cat

I missed Epi already :-(

And me, Iman and Aida did a marathon dekat bukit belakang rumah Aida yesterday. Gila bangga aku bcs I jogged non-stop sampai sekolah rendah BBS tu and stretch-stretch semua and patah balik, still non-stop. Jauh dol perjalanan dia! Gelak lah kau! Babi -_- But still, go Aiman :-)

Balik dgn tak mandi semua, terus tido. Zzz.

Need I Say More?

Guns Don't Kill People

Currently reading this.
Borrowed it from Iman.
Sumpah, its a great book.
Cheese! B-)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Talk To Strangers!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hey
You: Haluuu!
Stranger: Where are you from
You: zimbabwe
You: you?
Stranger: England
You: cool place
Stranger: Its not bad
Stranger: What's zimbabwe like?
You: idk, never been out yet
You: so..
Stranger: So where are you living right now
You: zimbab of zimbabwe
Stranger: What's it like?
You: its cool i guess
You: you'd love it
You: like seriously man
You: -_-
Stranger: Hot?
You: nope, its icy cool
You: ofcoz la
You: duhh

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Babi Golek

Sure, benda ni tak bagus but care no shit man, Im starving :O

Friday, April 2, 2010

Go Go Die K?

Sumpah aku gelak gila babi baca formspring gang Atong ni. Adoi.
And lapar lah puloks. Rasa mcm nk Mcd breakfast tu lah.
And mmg WOW lah, aku maleh nk update. Seronok kan rasa dia? :-)